Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Here we go again...

It's been as hectic an opening as I have ever experienced. Opening day was a shambles. Initially, only the students had schedules not the teachers. Moreover, many of those schedules had holes in them so students had to sit in the cafeteria during undisclosed periods. Not only didn't the teachers have class schedules-homeroom schedules were delivered by hand- but there was no school opening schedule. So... few, if any, knew what the time frames were for the periods. It's tough to start anything if you're not sure how long you have to complete the task. For the experienced teachers it was easier, we've been on voyage before (although we've always had a schedule). However, the new teachers, especially the first year teachers, were baffled. They had the look of Bambi crossing an eight lane superhighway at mid-day. No schedules, no keys, no books, no lockers, no guidance, no advice - just "Write down your name on this sheet of paper please, so I'll know if you were in the right class when I find the right class."

Have to go... but this year at "Event Horizon High" promises to be fun - if you're Franz Kafka.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Missing post

I sent a missive into the air/where it went I know not where... (apologies to Longfellow)

I wrote a blog last night and, truth be told, it was a masterpiece :). It was about the effects of summer and the dreaded "first day of school". However, when I hit publish it never made it to my blog. The lettering at the bottom kept telling me that it was saving my message, but even that is labeled "draft", and is incomplete. I know that the message is saved ... somewhere. But I don't think I can get there from here.

Anyway, Scrodinger's cat is probably reading it at this very moment.

There is more to this blogging than I expected. Pardon me while I study this some more.

There's much to talk about today's experiences, but it's much too complicated to detail right now. Suffice it to say that life ain't easy at "Event Horizon High".